Whether you want to challenge eleven other friends in a 12-player free-for-all or challenge randoms on the internet, there’s sure to be something for everyone. Have you ever felt like ruining a friend’s game of golf without leaving the house? This gem of a golfing game gives you that opportunity. Golfing with Your Friends is more than just another mini-golf themed game. Developed and published Blacklight Interactive and Team17 together, the game recently released for the PS4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch on February 25, 2020. With all the positive reviews received on Steam Early Access, the move to consoles just makes sense.
Golf with your friends vr series#
Under the new name, Everbody’s Golf, a VR version of the popular series was released in early 2019. Many people have turned to mobile apps or games like Hot Shots Golf. If you need to see these instructions again, you can click the big yellow button on the left of your screen.Have you ever felt like Golfing with Your Friends, but didn’t want to leave the house? Mini-golf is fun for a time and a full-on course may not be great for the mobility of others. You can click the Contact Us link and let us know your thoughts. We built this site for you, so please do reachout with any suggestions or requests. We will be updating most of the content with more formatting and images soon.

Please do be aware that we have only just started the site and it is a work in progress. You can click on any you are interested in. The green arrows are pointing to the categories you can choose from and the numbers in the blue dots tell you how many documents are in them. Once you’ve selected a document, it will open and look something like below. The green arrows point to documents you can open by clicking on them, the red ones are sub-categories that will open up with more documents you can then open by clicking on them. Once you pick a category, you’ll get a page like the image below.
Golf with your friends vr how to#
Or with the How to dropdown menu from the top of the site. You can reach each of these one of two ways

We’ve spent waaaayyy more time than we should have playing this game when we really should have been doing something else, but we’ve found it to be so much fun as well as one of our favorite ways to connect with friends when we can’t be together in real life.

Flying Mode! (point straight up and push the thumbstick forward to take off).Here’s the list from their Discord: (and yes, we added Flying Mode twice, because… Flying mode!)