
Hunter the hunted
Hunter the hunted

It was inspired by Ends of Empire, the ending of the earlier World of Darkness game Wraith: The Oblivion, which depicts the underworld being engulfed, leading to an influx of spirits and zombies in the human world. Hunter: The Reckoning was originally designed by Andrew Bates, Phil Brucato, Ken Cliffe, Greg Fountain, Ed Hall, Jess Heinig, Michael Lee, Richard Thomas, Mike Tinney, and Stewart Wieck, with art direction by Richard Thomas and cover art by Brian Glass. The game uses the Storyteller System, where the outcomes of attempted actions are determined through the character's values in relevant attributes and through rolling dice pools. Led by a storyteller, players role-play as these characters. The hunters' powers are called edges, and are learned through paths, where the first power often is the most powerful in the first edition, edges are supernatural, which is not necessarily the case in H5. The choice of creed determines characters' philosophies, how they relate to the hunt, what their weaknesses are, and which powers they will learn. Players create hunter characters with a character sheet, assigning points to various attributes to determine what they are good at, and deciding which of several creeds they belong to: Avengers, Defenders, Hermits, Innocents, Judges, Martyrs, Redeemers, Visionaries, or Waywards. Because of their lack of knowledge, they typically have to study their targets before attacking if they want to survive the encounter. The hunters are mostly unorganized and know little of the supernatural, and have to rely on each other as the world at large does not know about it: they often communicate and share information through the anonymous internet forum Hunter-Net, which is managed by a hunter known as Witness1. In the game's first edition, this revelation comes from the voice of beings called Heralds or Messengers speaking to the character, imbuing them with insight and power in Hunter: The Reckoning 5th Edition ( H5), hunters do not become imbued. Hunter: The Reckoning is a horror tabletop role-playing game set in modern times, in which players take the roles of regular human characters who become aware of the existence of the supernatural, including vampires, werewolves, and ghosts, and fight back as monster hunters. It has seen several adaptations, including a fiction anthology, a novel series, three video games, and a live-action role-playing game. The game was critically well received and considered appealing to both returning players and those new to the series, and became one of White Wolf Publishing's most successful and popular intellectual properties. The game was designed with themes of righteous fury, paranoia, hope, and retaining a normal life. The hunters are divided into several creeds, which determine their philosophies and outlooks on the hunt, and what sets of powers they learn. Having little knowledge of the supernatural and nobody but each other to rely on, they share information and organize through the internet forum Hunter-Net. Led by a storyteller, players role-play as human characters in modern times who learn of the existence of the supernatural, such as vampires, werewolves, and mages, and fight back as monster hunters.

#Hunter the hunted series

It is supported by a series of supplementary books which expand the game's setting and describe types of characters. It was originally released by White Wolf Publishing in November 1999 as part of their Year of the Reckoning line, and is planned to be released in an updated edition by Renegade Game Studios in Q2 2022.

hunter the hunted

Hunter: The Reckoning is a horror tabletop role-playing game, and the sixth main game in the World of Darkness series.

Hunter the hunted